it infrastructure cloud computing

6 Realities About IT Infrastructure Cloud Computing No One Will Tell You

Have you recently started a company in Calgary? Congratulations! Whether it’s a small or medium-sized business, integrating cloud-based IT infrastructure into your strategy will be the best strategy to scale up your organization.

However, in most cases, many small and medium-sized business entrepreneurs don’t agree to switch to cloud computing from on-site infrastructure to avoid the risks of cybersecurity breaches. 

But, you are far from reality, especially speaking of the advantages of switching to cloud-based infrastructure that surpass such potential threats! And, in today’s blog, we are here to show you those facts. Let’s get started.

Facts You May Never Know About Cloud-based IT Infrastructure

Recent research shows that many small and medium-sized businesses in Calgary have started switching to cloud computing. But lack of expertise and knowledge, they have experienced challenges and the progress is interrupted. 

However, you can’t deny the fact that more and more companies in Calgary are shifting to cloud-based infrastructure. And, we have rounded up those realities here, making this happen. Such as:


Gone are the days of finding documents and records from piles of files! Thanks to the cloud computing system! It has become easy for you and your staff to access all the documents, spreadsheets, and images just with a click. Hence, no matter where you are, every piece of information will be at your fingertips! 

In short, integrating the cloud into your business infrastructure can dramatically change your work culture with its fast accessibility feature, ensuring productivity and on-time task completion, even during remote work. 

On-Site Infrastructure Investment Cost Reduction

On-site IT infrastructure comes with a huge up-front cost, from routers to new servers to data centers and other big expenses. Admit it or not, it’s challenging to afford this enormous outlay for SMB companies, especially startups. Here’s where cloud-based infrastructure comes in to meet your growing business needs within even a strict budget!


Cloud computing can be a vital business investment for faster business growth. With this technology innovation, you can satisfy all the business requirements in all aspects, whether it be scaling production, services, or customers. Moreover, SMBs face higher risks with frequent dramatic fluctuations where the cloud plays a great role in decision-making. 


For small and medium-sized businesses, security is always the top concern. As mentioned, many SMBs avoid cloud migrations due to their cybersecurity threats. But, the truth is that you can have better control over data security with cloud computing! With the help of professional cloud service providers, you can meet your high-security requirements, such as cloud spam filtering, cloud antivirus, cloud server upgrades, DNS-level protection against malware, crypto virus, phishing, spyware, and much more. 

Automatic Updates

It’s not an easy task to maintain a server. We guess you won’t deny it, right? But, while switching to cloud computing, you can manage your business infrastructure off-site without a hassle. Cloud service providers will take care of the security and software updates, allowing you to focus on improving the strategic moves toward your business growth.  

Backup And Disaster Recovery

Regardless of the business size, every company should always be ready to deal with disasters. In this era of digitalization, embracing cloud-based backup services can be a great recovery strategy! You can protect your data with its easy off-site backup solution, like a cloud data center, for businesses of every size.

403Tech Inc.- Best Cloud-based Backup Services in Calgary

So, are you ready to switch to cloud computing? If yes, count on us! At  403Tech Inc., we offer top-notch IT infrastructure cloud computing, including cloud security, server upgrades, cloud backup, and much more. Our experts have years of experience setting up this backup system and networking in the cloud.

So, why wait? Book your consultation now or fill out the form on our site to get started!