it security and cyber security

Data Protection Tips for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

In the computer age, where most administrative tasks, filing, ongoing projects, and desk work typically take place on cloud or local networks, nothing matters more for businesses than cybersecurity to protect their data. Failure to keep the data safe and away from prying eyes can cause enterprises massive losses irrespective of their types or sizes. Consider following the tips below to strengthen your cybersecurity and secure business data.

#1 Data Backup

Businesses are always recommended to back up their data on a routine interval. They can use an external storage device for this job, which is suggested to be kept somewhere other than the main office. We also recommend businesses to encrypt and lock the storage device if possible. It reduces the risk of losing data from break-ins, fires, floods, etc. 

#2 Scan for Vulnerabilities

Cybersecurity vulnerabilities refer to gaps and loopholes in a business’s software and security system. It’s important to understand that no software or security systems are perfect. There will always be room for improvement. Scanning for vulnerabilities can help you with that as it will allow you to check your overall IT infrastructure, including software stack and security system, for threatening loopholes and security gaps. 

You can use vulnerability scanners like Nessus, Frontline, Nexpose, etc., to search for recognizable vulnerabilities in your business’s IT infrastructure. Many companies in Canada and beyond also offer cybersecurity services. Hiring them can be an option to scan vulnerabilities in your system. 

#3 Arrange Cyber Security Awareness Training for Your Employees

Humans are the weakest link in any office’s cybersecurity system as people fall for fraudulent practices, make mistakes, and forget things. Thankfully, cyber security awareness training, the process of educating employees about cyber threats and risks, can help owners protect their IT infrastructure from cyberattacks. Cyber security awareness training provides the knowledge and skills to identify, prevent, and report security incidents. Keeping business data secured will be easier if your employees are aware of identifying potential threats and responding to them appropriately.

#4 Rely on Antivirus

You must ensure that the devices you and your team use at the office or when working away are secure. Investing in reliable antivirus software can help you do that by scanning, detecting, and deleting viruses from your devices and protecting them against malware sent via phishing attacks. After installation, most antivirus software can run automatically in the background, ensuring real-time protection against cyber threats. We hope the above tips will help you improve your company’s cybersecurity. You can also hire a small business cyber security provider like 403Tech Inc. to level up your overall cybersecurity game. We can add delicate safety layers to your IT infrastructure to protect your business data. Contact us now to learn more about our offerings and pricing. Let us help you keep your business safe.