cyber security companies calgary

IT Security and Cyber Security Awareness: How to Fight Phishing

Tell us first: What can be the worst thing for a business entrepreneur or a company? Isn’t it leaking confidential business data in the market, especially among business competitors in your industry? If you are nodding, you probably understand the importance of IT security and cyber security in your company. 

Phishing means someone is trying to fetch the sensitive data of your business, including the bank account details, through Wi-Fi, emails, or even messages. Knowing how to fight phishing can help you avoid or deal with cyber and IT security threats this year. 

We, 403Tech Inc., are the leading cyber security experts in Calgary and want to guide all entrepreneurs regarding phishing so they can protect their businesses.

Want to arm yourself with phishing knowledge? Let’s get started with the signs of phishing messages:

Sign #1: Incorrect links, like the improper email address of the sender, including spelling or grammar errors. In most cases, such links don’t open to official websites. 

Sign #2: Suspicious attachments, like uncommon file names or file types.

Sign #3: Urgent or threatening emails, like messages with threatening language or putting pressure. For example, “We will take legal action against you to close your account.”

Sign #4: Asking for sensitive details of your business over email or text message, like updating your financial details or bank account.

Sign #5: Links over text messages or emails mentioning winning a contest.

Now, let’s learn about different phishing forms:

Spoofing– Here, the creator makes a fake website to make you share your personal details.

Whaling– Phishing messages to high-profile targets, like your orgainization. 

Smishing– Cyber threat attempt through message

Spear Phishing– An email or message sounds like a familiar one.

So, when you see all these signs or these types of messages or emails, have faith in your instincts, consider it phishing and count on the best cyber security companies in Calgary, like us, to deal with the cyber threats. We can provide you with IT security and cyber security services based on your needs. For instance:


Our antivirus software scans all the PCs on your network every day to ensure your systems are secure. Plus, it prevents your staff from logging in to unsafe websites and links. Our antivirus detects the websites and if malware is found, it blocks the site automatically.

DNS-Level Security:

Our IT security services ensure protection at the DNS level, which means your business is protected from all cyber threats, like phishing, botnets, malware, crypto virus and spyware. 

Spam Filtering:

At 403Tech Inc., you can get cloud spam filtering services to ensure your business is left with no cyber threat. It includes:

  • Email spam filtering
  • Email encryption
  • Email continuity
  • Signature management and more

Secure Wi-Fi Services:

Even your Wi-Fi can come with a security threat if not managed correctly. Unsecured Wi-Fi often leads to cyber threats. We provide managed Wi-Fi service to take care of your IT security. 

Bottom Line

We hope you understand how to look for the signs of phishing and fight them. If you need IT security and cyber security services for your business to protect it from cyber threats, like phishing, count on us, 403Tech Inc. 

Schedule a free IT service consultation now!